LoSMINM Project Objectives

Longitudinal Survey of Maternal and Infant Nutrition in Maharashtra (LoSMINM)

About Project Objectives Methodology

The study aims to generate evidence on a spectrum of nutrition-related changes from pre-conception through pregnancy until the offspring are 24 months by following a cohort of pregnant women in rural areas in the Raigarh district. Specific objectives are given below:

  1. To evaluate the relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI with the pattern of gestational weight gain (GWG), gestational age and birth weight.
  2. To study the association of GWG with maternal diseases (anaemia, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and gestational hypertension).
  3. To study the effect of adverse health and nutritional status during pregnancy on miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, preterm, survival and growth of children up to 2 years of age.
  4. To study the dietary and health-seeking behaviours during different stages of pregnancy. 
  5. To study the factors associated with antepartum depression and postpartum depression and understand the association of antepartum depression with postpartum depression.
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